MONDAY 20 MARCH 2017 - 10:30 to 11:00


Mikael Colville-Andersen, Copenhagenize Design Company

Mikael Colville-Andersen is one of the leading global voices in urban planning and he regards the bicycle as the most important tool in our transport toolbox for rebuilding our liveable cities and nations. As CEO of Copenhagenize Design Company, he works with cities and governments around the world in coaching them towards becoming more bicycle friendly. He is known for his pioneering philosophies about simplifying urban planning and urban cycling and how cities and towns should be designed instead of engineered. He employs anthropology and sociology in his work to develop liveable cities and is sceptical about the weight we place on traffic engineering. His approach and philosophy have led to him being referred to as The Richard Dawkins of Cycling by The Guardian and the Pope of Urban Cycling by Canadian newspaper, La Presse. He travels around the world giving keynotes about how countries and cities could be better if we go "back to the future" and look at solutions that worked for centuries - and apply them today. His new TV series The Life-Sized City will premiere in 2017. Visit Copehagenize's website.